Angels of Las Vegas (AOLV) provides professional and social services to those who need it the most in our community. We help those in need through a variety of means such as wig donations for children and adults going through cancer treatments; toy and book drives for children going through treatment in hospitals during the holidays and throughout the year; food and clothing donations for families in need; and Angels Care Packages filled with vitamins, nutrition, healthy snacks, toiletries, sanitizers, and masks for individuals and families who have been affected by COVID-19, as well as terminal illnesses.
AOLV's Health and Wellness Programs consist of weekly classes for patients, survivors, caregivers, and families facing cancer and all other types of life-threatening illnesses. Our programs include classes in health and nutrition education, self care, and support groups; beauty and wellness; yoga and meditation; and expressive arts and music therapy. Our programs aim to enhance an individual's ability to experience quality of life through practices that provide stress management, reduced anxiety, relaxation techniques, and group exercise to incorporate physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.